We chew for you!!

goatsies Logo Give us a call!! | 704-761-3837

Or drop an email. | jacobtrivette "at" carolinagoatscaping.com

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Whats Goatscaping, you ask?

It is just as it sounds! Goatscaping is essentially goat-landscaping. But, to put it in better terms, it’s more like goat land management. Over the years, goatscaping has become a popular and preferred method for clearing land. Rather than spending exorbitant amounts of money on machinery, labor, fuel, chemicals such as herbicides, and miscellaneous costs associated with clearing land, goatscaping is a less expensive, environmentally friendly alternative. In addition, goatscaping surpasses the limitations of the equipment needed for clearing. For example, the use of goats makes it possible to clear out the more difficult areas of land where it may be dangerous or impossible to safely operate heavy machinery. So, not only is goatscaping a reasonably priced, safer, and more natural alternative for land management, but it may also provide a little bit of stress relief. Yes, you read that correctly! Our goats, known as the “Chew Crew”, are held in non-intrusive, temporary fencing that customers may have access to, if they wish to interact with the goats. Animals are known to give people a sense of relief when they’re around. And our customers are allowed to pet the goats, feed them, and spend as much time with them as they like. You can set up a chair, read a book, and just relax the day away with them. And, even by doing so, they won’t get distracted from doing the work that they’re set out to do!

Still not convinced that goatscaping may be right for you?

Check this out...

Our Chew Crew will eat a variety of unwanted weeds, overgrown brush, invasive species, etc. Some of their favorite meals include the following:

To summarize, goatscaping is great for those who want to:

  1. Clear overgrown land or clear land that may not be suitable for safely operating machinery.
  2. Save money on the costs associated with land management.
  3. Manage the land without the use of herbicides and other potentially hazardous chemicals
  4. Interact with our Chew Crew while they do what they are most passionate about: EAT